I can’t drink no more. Those were the days. Fireworks and scintillating euphoria.
Now I just dream. I close my eyes and imagine I’m tucked comfortably inside a bottle plugged up with a fresh-scenting cap. The crystal clear glass gives me 360 view. I see happy faces smiling, happier faces laughing and super-happy faces hysterically crying. I see glasses raised for a toast, glasses filled for a buzz and glasses smashed just because. I see folks skipping work for hangover, swapping wives as they’re bolder and slitting matrimonies no longer kosher.
I was a true believer in the power of spirits as they were to flush away all frivolities of my yesterday. Like water, like booze.
water doesn’t stain
spirits don’t last.
What’s left…
is a washed-up mess
inside a bottle.
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