When traveling to a foreign country where people spoke a different language, where you ever envious of tourists who spoke that language? Didn’t it feel like those tourists where seeing and experiencing things differently than you? As if your experience was low-fi and in black and white and theirs was hi-fi and in super-rich colors?
Well, I had that feeling just yesterday, not traveling to an exotic or foreign land, but right in my own “back-yard”, at my favorite coffee shop that’s just few blocks from my house…
It was a typical Los Angeles day, sunny, with blue skies and few patches of clouds. I had just had my cappuccino and warm Louisiana pecan pie put on my table, when I noticed the rim of my mug and the surface of my coffee and pie come to life with million and one (I’m exaggerating here) reflections of the sun’s light. The light itself was all the way from very bright white to off-yellow. Not only that, the brown surface of my coffee and the off-brown crust of my pie were many shades and shadows of brown, black, dark 0range, etc. It was as if a black-and-white film was turned into color. I gazed in complete enjoyment at this grand theatrical extravaganza.
But after a few minutes, I felt envy. I felt envious of all the painters, graphic artists, photographers, architects, and everyone else who, every day, see, feel and appreciate light, shadows, colors, reflections and everything in between. In this world of inexplicable beauty (separate from our world of daily chores and mind-dominated worries), they’re the ones who understand its language, the language of light. And I’m the tourist who passes by, oblivious, and envious.
shohrez says
You shouldn’t be envious of painters, as you are a painter yourself. You are creating color, light and joy with your words. You are creating beautiful works of art on the canvas not with the brush, but with your words. I truly enjoy your artwork. Thanks for sharing.
Shawn Zahedi says
Thank you Shohre jan! I really appreciate the kind words and for reading and commenting on my blog! 🙂